Today I saw a man walking by my bedroom window He was tall and without physical sight (that’s not to say he didn’t have another form of sight). A little girl sat firmly on his shoulders, still and at ease. Quiet or jabbering in the way only little girls with eager pigtails know how. A bounce. A dog wandering out in front, back and forth, no need for a leash. The man gets nearer to the edge of the sidewalk taking slow, cautious steps. He comes to the dip where cars cross over the curb for gas and with his eye-stick he can notice immediately the small plunge. He feels to his left, then right in a large arc. .... Where am I? Finding the nearby curb he gains spacial awareness once more. In to the middle of the sidewalk he pitter patters, as a focused tap dancer. The girl is still squat, unaware there ever was a dilemma. The dog notices and follows over to once again lead the way like a chariot horse with no reigns. It all happens naturally, not asking for attention. As they onward march a large group passes around them with an individual looking back in awe at this trio, but the man doesn’t see this awe. Does he know it? Is this what his each day passes as? Or is this an exceptionally challenging outing with no other alternative? My sight can’t be pulled away from the three getting by with little of it. I watch what he can’t and know HE can teach many. |
SAMANTHA KEOGHMultidisciplinary Artist Archives
April 2020